Session 2: IDC Workshops - Reimagining Futures

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (Manila Time)


This plenary spreads the audience to breakout sessions where they can engage in meaningful conversations that inspire action on the urgent problems of the future in key areas of business, environment, governance, tech and science, and civil society. Four design labs will lead the sessions with the goal to inspire the birth of new ideas that serve the good of all


Hosted by KindMind

We can shape the present & future we deserve. This workshop explores experience design as a powerful lens for social transformation, reimagining future communities that nurture meaningful connections and pursuits.

Cities are meant to nurture the welfare and urbanity of their citizens, individually and collectively, but our urban environments and neighborhoods are in a state of decline and decay.  We have strayed so far from how cities are meant to be as evidenced by Manila ranking 103rd livable city among 140 cities in the world (Global Liveability Index 2022).

Reframing and Designing the Neighborhood Commons will take conference participants into a journey of exploring ‘what seems like’ declining neighborhood commons only to discover and surface the hidden gems of ‘community building’ that is powerfully present.


This head, heart, and hands activating workshop has two main parts: first, an illustrative walkthrough of declining neighborhood commons and an introduction to experience design as a tool for transformation; second, an immersive design lab that will engage the senses and imagination to redesign thriving Filipino communities of the future.

This learning journey will use experience design approaches and tools to ignite participants’ creativity and reframe perceptions towards meaningful experiences for neighborhood commons. KindMind’s approach to experience design aims for meaning and is practical, versatile and useful across various sectors and contexts - from designing programs, services, systems, and customer experiences that are memorable and transformative.


Taking off from our work with civic servants of the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region of Muslim Mindanao (BARMM)  transitional government, where we use service design and experience design  to bring dignity and humanity back to the access of public services and information, Reframing and Designing the Neighborhood Commons will similarly explore the power of human and community values to design thriving neighborhoods. Participants will:

  • Develop an understanding and appreciation for neighborhood commons;
  • Discover and surface the hidden gems of ‘community building’ present, even in declining neighborhoods;
  • Generate insights to activate behavior change and social transformation; and
  • Imagine futures and design meaningful experiences for declining neighborhood commons.


Hosted by CIA Bootleg Manila

A hands-on workshop that equips you with ideation principles and processes from the world’s most innovative companies, and applies them in creating a world where business and design work in harmony.

There seems to be a persistent misunderstanding of design in the world of business – with designers being relegated to focus on mere aesthetics.

Design, however, can drive powerful innovations across various management applications.

This workshop is designed for participants to challenge the current limitations of design, and identify key action points that result in a strategic, synergistic integration between business and design.


This workshop is designed using the most effective principles of application-based learning. The participants will be asked to ideate innovation objectives specific to bringing about a future society that is built on the integration of business and design, and to apply the innovation principles and processes in designing the most creative ideas towards addressing these objectives.

Featuring an introductory lecture with case examples and a scaffolded idea generation sprint, the workshop will require the participants to collaborate and communicate amongst their assigned groups to achieve the best outcome.

Each of the 50 participants will receive a complimentary copy of CIA Bootleg Manila’s “The Creativity Handbook: A Guide for Future Creatives.”


Through this two-hour hands-on workshop program, participants will learn the principles and processes used by the world’s greatest and most innovative companies and brands and apply them in designing the Future of Business.

This workshop will also expose its participants to a wide range of ideation tools and techniques that can be used for a variety of management applications, such as: (1) strategy development; (2) new product and service ideation; (3) experience design; (4) marketing & communications planning; (5) functional improvements (operations, supply chain, human resources); and (6) new business ideas and opportunities.


Hosted by WeSolve Foundation

A hands-on introduction to systems thinking as a toolkit for better-designed collective action

This session is a series of short lectures on WeSolve’s experience in collective impact, alongside activities that simulate systems thinking in practice. Participants will learn about the Move As One Coalition and its efforts towards inclusive mobility. They will also learn about the Hunger Project as it helps Metro Manila transition to a circular food system. Several exercises will then introduce participants to systems thinking tools that help practitioners and advocates design better movements and initiatives that require multi-stakeholder collaboration.


This workshop is designed to be light-touch and inclusive for those with zero to limited background in systems thinking and/or collective impact.


The workshop will equip participants with basic knowledge, skills, and mindsets around systems thinking and collective impact, and deepen their appreciation of systems and the value of making “together” work.


Hosted by Curiosity

This workshop is a condensed version of a five-part workshop series on a similar topic that we recently conducted for the Master of Disaster, Design and Development programme at RMIT University in Melbourne. As the planet confronts multiple forms of shared environmental crises, the workshop will emphasize the context of 2020-230 as the Decade of Action for the SDGs. The workshop will underscore the need to think about the linkages across the SDGs in the exploration of future scenarios.

The workshop will be conducted in two parts. Part I will focus on familiarization with the SDGs and progress towards the goals, with a focus on SDG 11 - Sustainable Communities. Part II will highlight the application of futures (and systems) thinking in the context of an SDG challenge related to the Philippines. The workshop will end with a provocation regarding the viability of our current technologies and ways of inhabitation via thinking through the various notions of “the future.”


Part I: Familiarization with the SDGs and progress towards the goals, with a focus on SDG 11 Sustainable Communities

  • Discussion: Overview of SDGs and focus on SDG 11 Sustainable communities
  • Case Study/Activity on localizing SDG 11

Part II: Futures Thinking for Flooding in Metro Manila

  • Introduction to the SDG challenge: Metro Manila flood context
  • Hands-on workshop activity on futures and systems thinking to address the SDG Challenge
  • Concluding talk and discussion about thinking through “futures”


  • Understand the status of progress towards SDGs
  • Familiarise oneself with SDGs and their targets


Hosted by Eskwelabs

How does data inform and elevate design decisions and communication? Join us to integrate data visualization and quantitative analytics into your design workflow.

This workshop is a set of structured case study-based activities where you will level up your communication, design, and M&E abilities.

We will walk through different phases of the design process where data can play a key role, and use case activities to practice improving those phases with data analytics and data storytelling.


This workshop will be set up as a project-based experience and role-playing-based case study. In two hours together, we will workshop how to improve design communication with data storytelling and how to improve the quantification and analysis of design decisions as we role play through a case study together.


Participants will learn how to communicate in the form of beautiful and intuitive data visualizations and narratives as presentations or reports.

The workshop will also help participants master concepts, such as statistical bias, confounding variables, and dataset limitations, and translate these concepts into business terms for stakeholders.


Hosted by HABI Education Lab

How might we maximize our human-centered design skills and innovation-driven energies towards improving how people learn? In this workshop, we’ll share stories and techniques that we have learned (and unlearned) from building learning experiences in various contexts.

Learning is a big part of our work as creative professionals: from community workshops to company onboarding, it happens in almost every part of our life. But oftentimes, we simply design these programs based on how we were taught—heavy on content, slide overload, written exams and quizzes. How might we maximize our human-centered and innovation-driven energies towards improving how people learn?

In this 2-hour workshop, we will share stories and techniques that we have learned (and unlearned) from our various projects in Habi. Everyone is welcome, whether you are working in the learning and education sector or not. Leaders, creative professionals, advocates, and community builders all have learning experiences that help your work in building better products and services.


This two-hour hands-on workshop will have two main parts: a talk + discussion during the first session, and a studio activity in the second one. In the first half, Habi will share real project cases and invite participants to a guided discussion about learning experiences in their respective industries and organizations. The second half of the workshop is i88a hands–on activity where participants can try Habi tools and worksheets. The participants can work individually or in groups. They can work on prepared design scenarios or build on a real project/problem.


By the end of the workshop, participants should be able to identify the learning experiences they interact with and influence through design. They should also be able to describe and advocate for principles of good design in learning experiences, such as training programs, skills development, lessons, educational materials, and others. And lastly, the workshop should also help them connect their own design practices to Habi’s design tools and techniques.

Session 1

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Open your MIND, act with your HEART in the plenary, Designing Future Society on October 14, 2022 | IN-PERSON and ONLINE#IntlDesignConPH